You may think setting up camp in your backyard is the obvious solution to creating a bedtime adventure. Unfortunately, the great outdoors is frequently not an option. Lack of equipment, fear of wild critters and having no access to an outdoor space are all legitimate obstacles. An indoor camping adventure, on the other hand, is completely achievable.
I am not sure what it is about forts, but they are ridiculously fun! Kids can amuse themselves for hours creating architectural wonders out of blankets and a few structural chairs, tables and boxes. Playing in them is such a delight. Why not sleep in them, too?

Of course, camping is never complete without a campfire. Unfortunately, unless you have a fireplace or an outdoor fire pit and your children are old enough to stay away from the flames, they are not suited to an adventurous night of blanket fort camping. My kids took matters into their own hands and created their own, perfectly safe campfire.

Step 1: Collect rocks, twigs, a few leaves and 2-3 small flash lights.
Step 2: Arrange your rocks in a circle.
Step 3: Place your leaves in the center of the circle.

Step 3: Turn your flashlights on and set them in the center of the circle so the lights shine up-ish – you can use a few twigs to prop them up.
Step 4: Arrange your remaining twigs over the flashlights so the sticks appear to glow.
If you do not have rocks and twigs, use small balls and Lincoln Logs or engineer a campfire out of crumpled pieces of construction paper. Let your imagination guide you.

Now, all you have left to do is indulge in gooey, chocolaty S’mores, tell silly campfire stories and make memories!

This is the third in our five part series, Turn the Mundane into a Memory. In case you missed them, here is part one and part two.
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This is AMAZING. I love that the kids made their own “fire”- we could do that in the living room!
Your kids will totally get into it! Send pics of your “fire!”
Your Dad likes camping. Maybe we should try this. Mom prefers tea parties