Movie Night is the simplest activity we have enjoyed on Friday nights. Unfortunately, sitting around the TV trying to keep the kiddos quiet so we don’t miss the dialogue is getting a bit old. If you agree, it is time to mix movie night up!
Remember the Rocky Horror Picture Show late night features in college when the audience dressed in character, shouted every line, danced and sang to every song, and threw hot dogs at the screen? That is totally inappropriate for kids. Don’t do that. But, definitely do something like that (minus the hot dog throwing).
You can dress up as Elsa and Anna and Olaf and Sing ‘Do You Want To Build A Snowman’ at the top of your lungs. Or, pull out your lightsabers and Jedi Robes and act out your best Darth Vader impression. You can even dress up as a deranged Easter Bunny and shout “thhhtuuuuck… tthhhhtuuuuuuccckkkkk….. Gee, it really worked! Come Back! Come Back! Don’t leave me. Come Back!!!” There are no rules regarding what movie you choose. After all, yesterday we ate chicken nuggets and french fries on Grandma’s Wedgewood.
Whether you sing along with Moana or recite Jumanji, you must pop plenty of popcorn. However, if your kids are craving movie candy, it only takes three ingredients to make your own Raisinets (box and brand not included).

3/4 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips (or milk or semi-sweet – whichever you prefer or have on hand)
2 tsp Coconut Oil
3/4 Cup Raisins
Step 1: Heat 1-2” of water in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat.
Step 2: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Step 3: Place a double boiler over the saucepan and fill with 3/4 cup Chocolate Chips and 2 teaspoons coconut oil.

Step 4: Stir until just melted. Remove from heat.

Step 5: Mix 3/4 cups of raisins into the chocolate mixture.

Step 6: Gently drop each raisin onto the parchment lined baking sheet. I used a small spatula and a toothpick to drop the raisins individually.
Step 7: Place baking sheet in the refrigerator for 1 hour until chocolate is cooled and set. Then peel raisins off the parchment and transfer to a serving dish.
Step 7: Enjoy!
NOTE: Store any leftovers in an air-tight container in the refrigerator.
What movie is your family’s favorite? Share in the comments!
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Popcorn Photo by Alex Munsell on Unsplash