It is Friday, the whateverteenth of April. We have been sheltering-in-place with attempts to save the world for 5 weeks. My children’s math lessons have my typically non-existent anxiety skyrocketing. And, while wine is usually my drink of choice, I want a Margarita. Sure, it is only 3:00 in the afternoon but now is the perfect time to celebrate the start of 2 whole days without e-learning.
Surprisingly, after a little research on my pal, Google, I did not find what I was looking for. The recipes involve ingredients I don’t have, muddling which is too complicated for my current state of mind, or it makes a complete pitcher which I definitely do not need. To remedy this, I made a multiple recipe mash up and am now enjoying The Perfect Margarita for One!
Don’t worry, you do not have to dig out your cocktail shaker for this recipe. A One Cup Liquid Measuring Cup and a Tablespoon works wonderfully.
2 Limes – divided
2 oz Tequila
1 oz Cointreau
2 Tablespoons Granulated Sugar
Kosher Salt (if desired)

Step 1: Cut the two limes in half. Squeeze 2 ounces of lime juice into the liquid measuring cup (from 1 1/2 limes).
Step 2: Add Tequila and Cointreau to the lime juice.

Step 3: Add Sugar to the cocktail mixture and stir until dissolved. NOTE: The sugar will not dissolve completely and that is ok.
Step 4: From the remaining half of a lime, cut a circular slice and set aside.

Step 5 (if desired): Using the remaining lime end, cut a small wedge and run it along the rim of your glass (I used a double old fashioned). Sprinkle kosher salt on the cutting board or a small saucer. Turn the glass upside down and set it into the salt to create a salt rim.
Step 6: Fill glass halfway with ice.

Step 7: Pour your Margarita mixture into your prepared glass of ice and garnish with the lime circle.
Step 8: Enjoy!
Do you like your margaritas with or without salt? Let us know in the comments below!