It is believed, based on an old wives tale, that being pregnant with a girl will take your beauty away. If you don’t buy into these means of predicting the sex of one’s child, my hair is proof. It has been 2 1/2 years since the birth of my fourth child and my mop continued to provides ample frustration.
I will be the first to admit that I only venture into a hair salon 2, maybe 3 times a year. I blame 3 horrifyingly botched hairdos over the last 40+ years for my lack of trust in hair stylists. Therefore, it isn’t a surprise that my hair was already at it’s limit when Shelter-In-Place began. So, 5 weeks of quarantine and a glass of wine later, I took scissors to my own hair.
My hair cut was, without a doubt, a major improvement. I am actually shocked at how even I made it! Unfortunately, the post pregnancy hair still laid in a dull, lifeless mess on my head. My scalp was itchy and flaky and I was feeling defeated.
Instead of staying defeated, I did what anyone in 2020 would do. I googled “scalp scrub.” It made sense, you use scrubs on your face to get the dry dead skin off of it. Why not your scalp? I honestly didn’t know scalp scrubs exist, but they do! I had no means to purchase one, but I found a homemade version which was easy worked SPECTACULARLY!!!

1/2 Cup Kosher Salt
2 Tbsp Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice (1/2 lemon)
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
Step 1: Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
Step 2: While sitting in a bath (you don’t want to get the olive oil on your clothes, or spill it on the floor and end up with an oil slick to slip on), dampen your hair.
Step 3: Massage the entire mixture into your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes. NOTE: It will tingle a bit for the first few minutes, but then the tingling will stop.
Step 4: Shampoo and Condition your hair as you normally would two times to make sure to get all of the salt out of your hair.
Step 5: Enjoy your shiny, soft hair!
Use once ever 2-4 weeks for a healthy scalp.
Food for Thought: If you have very dark or dyed hair, you may not want to use this because lemon, with it’s bleaching qualities, may lighten your hair.
Have you tried a scalp scrub? What did you use and how did it turn out?
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For your entertainment, here is the aftermath of my quarantine hair cut. The pic was taken to amuse my friends and never intended for this blog. Not too bad, if I may say so myself!

It looks amazing!